KLSE Shariah Stock Signals

It is most innovative and customize services which enable the trader to make maximum gain from the market in minimum risk. Services are designed according to the requirement of clients with personal assistance and hand holding provided by us.


A dedicated team of Research Analyst and Support Executive is assigned to the client who will be in contact every time. Signals will be generated after the thorough Technical and Fundamental Analysis seeing all the internal and external factors.

Based on our analysis, feedback and survey on the traders requirement we have customized and divided our service in 3 parts depending upon the counter size. Traders can select any one or multiple services as per there preferences. Below are the 3 Services which comes under our KLSE Premium Services.

  • KLSE Premium Penny Stocks (Counter Size < 1.20)
  • KLSE Premium Mid Cap Stocks (Counter Size 1.21 – 5.00)
  • KLSE Premium Blue Chip Stocks (Counter Size > 5.00)


KLSE Portfolio Management Signals

It is most innovative and customize services which enable the trader to make maximum gain from the market in minimum risk. Services are designed according to the requirement of clients with personal assistance and hand holding provided by us.


A dedicated team of Research Analyst and Support Executive is assigned to the client who will be in contact every time. Signals will be generated after the thorough Technical and Fundamental Analysis seeing all the internal and external factors.

Based on our analysis, feedback and survey on the traders requirement we have customized and divided our service in 3 parts depending upon the counter size. Traders can select any one or multiple services as per there preferences. Below are the 3 Services which comes under our KLSE Premium Services.

  • KLSE Premium Penny Stocks (Counter Size < 1.20)
  • KLSE Premium Mid Cap Stocks (Counter Size 1.21 – 5.00)
  • KLSE Premium Blue Chip Stocks (Counter Size > 5.00)